I've been here since December.
62 and newly diagnosed.
Level 1
Growing up math made more sense than people who scared me.
Theater helped me start to explore. First with props and sound.
I still like sound, and playing music. Harmonica is my main one. I own lots of different types and keys including minor, sharps and flats (and all the major keys). I play old school blues , country, jazz , rock and Gospel.
Haven't been with a band for about a year. I do one man gigs.
My hands are a measure of pre show nerves. The colder the hands the more fear.
I like words and gravitated to word games.
Math is not as meaningful except I like odd numbers. An example is I put 67 instead of one minute on the microwave.
My weight gives from healthy that some people wonder if I'm sick to obese. Now it's in between.
I've only used private message a couple of times. I'm not sure of protocol of using it.
On my reading table
The Bible and The Invention of Hugo Cabret.
Still too old to know it all