I have never been diagnosed with autism. I am positive that I am an aspie. I realized this about ten years ago. I never get lonely. If possible, I would never speak to anyone ever. Unfortunately, I work as a bartender, so talking to people is required. I have done this work for over fifteen years. It is the only thing that I know how to do to make money. When I save up enough money, I quit my job and hide. When I run out of money I go back to work. I often get overwhelmed by how people tend to be. I have seen people who claim to be best friends say cruel and demeaning things behind each other's backs. I have seen people who seem to like each other completely screw each other over for small sums of money. I cannot quite understand why people are not nicer to each other. I do not usually have too many problems with people at work. People are generally nice to me at my jobs because I show up on time, I work hard, and I never talk about myself.
I feel like I am always starting over. I get out into the world and I start making errors regarding personal relationships and I just cannot figure things out on the fly. I always have to go back to the drawing board. Most people accept my frequent hibernating, but some are deeply hurt by it. I feel like there is no real me, only the personas that I use to make it through the day. At some jobs I was a complete introvert because I was allowed to be and nobody really bothered me. At other jobs I was an extrovert because it was required.
I am very afraid of what I believe I know about human nature. I believe nobody cares about anybody but themselves. People pretend to care about other people because that is what they are supposed to do, but really people just use each other. I just feel all wrong. Smiling at children is creepy. Ignoring children is rude. Too much eye contact means this...too little means that. Doing a complicated social calculus every time I interact with someone has just gotten hard. Too many rules to remember. I do believe the world of people is better off without me, and me without it. I dream of separating myself from society somehow. The irony is that in order to make enough money to not deal with people, one usually has to deal with people. I apologize if this is negative or in some other way inappropriate.
Anyway, I'm here to try to learn how other people cope with being on the wrong planet.