As the title suggests, I find myself here in a surprising twist at the beginning of my PhD research. Won't go into too much detail on the PhD as it is massively complex, but it involves writing a personal narrative reflecting my relationship to medicine/doctors/psychiatrists.
I've had nearly 40 years of confusion over why it is I am consistently told "you're weird" and asked "what is wrong with you?" Today I attended a follow up at a specialist therapy institution to decide if I would continue with treatment. There was some dispute over what "trauma" actually is and if my near photographic/videographic memory of events might not be trauma but might instead just be "my own unique brain" (!)
I was there after a crisis and during an investigation into some of my son's symptoms: night terrors, auditory sensitivity and yet paradoxically appearing deaf when he "zones out", extreme naivety and openness, having meltdowns over things that are "illogical" to him, etc.
Discussing all this with my wife we realised that both my father and her parents had similar symptoms throughout their lives. I was shocked to discover (partly due to the perpetuating of autism "myths") that many of my own issues narrated in the PhD can easily be explained by Aspergers. I told the (very kind) lady today that the psychiatrist who saw me 15 years before noted my "flat affect" and "monotonous tone". I tried to ask about this persistent issue I had with anger at seemingly illogical facets of society (often tiny details) but she dismissed this (and other issues) with "if you have anger then that's your responsibility and you should deal with it." I was actually trying to be really open about something quite embarrassing that I had grown to understand as not "normative".
Anyway, I asked if Aspergers would be a problematic issue with trauma treatment (centrally about my sister's death) and she said no. I decided to postpone anything else until well into my PhD as I am a little overwhelmed with the thought of travel right now (especially sleeping in a strange place/building/room) for Uni enrolment.