I'm 64, newly self diagnosed and still going through a combination of joy, discovery, and a lot of adjustment. Joy and discovery because of the multitude of "wow!" and "aha, that's me!" moments. And I'm adjusting to the idea that nothing is horribly wrong with me and I'm OK, but also that I likely can't change the things that have always been difficult for me. This part is taking time ... I'm working at forgiving myself for times I've slighted people over the years, not realizing that I did it for self preservation. That's huge.
SO many things make sense now, although I'm still figuring it out. I've taken a lot of online tests. "Musings of an Aspie" has been wonderful.
I love the name of this forum, because I've felt like I was on the wrong planet all my life. People doing social things are a mystery. I have no idea how they do it. Never knew what was "wrong" with me. Now I know I can just be how I am and that's OK. I love being by myself with family and my dogs, art supplies and books, but I feel isolated at times and that hurts. I have no social life to speak of and I also have Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, so along with other sensory overload problems, peoples' perfumes, secondary air freshener, etc., really make me sick, so I just don't even try now, although I didn't try much before. Before getting MCS I was pretty good with taking classes sometimes because people were there for a reason (not much small talk), and I've only taken classes in areas of special interest to me, so it's worked. I still felt like the odd one though, like there's always this wall between me and other people and I didn't know why it was there, like they were supposed to understand me and they didn't most of the time.
This feels a little fraught, but I'm glad to be here. Glad to know about all this.
Nice to be here :