Hello everyone!
My journey is fairly new. My youngest daughter (11yrs) was diagnosed with Aspergers a few weeks ago (we knew from a fairly young age that she was a 'quirky' kid), and I was given some recommended reading material. As I read, I was quite surprised to find that much of what I read rang true for not only my daughter, but also for me!! It's quite distracting, as I'm trying to focus on learning ways to help my daughter flourish....but I guess the more I understand, the better it will be for the both of us. After listening to the therapist explain some of the features of Aspergers, my husband is also convinced that it helps explain many things about both my daughter and I.
I must admit that I feel a little foolish, seeing as I studied psychology at university, and currently work in a therapeutic capacity with troubled teens
Looking forward to reading more and meandering around the forums...