Hi. My name is Nathan and I am 32. I am married to Paula. I work as an accountant. She's a special education teacher. She works with children who have severe intellectual disabilities, including Down Syndrome.
I have ADHD and nonverbal learning disorder at age 9. I took Ritalin, Adderall, and Paxil over the years. I also tried briefly Wellbutrin and Straterra. I currently take Vynase at 15-30 mg a day. My ADHD is the hyperactive-impulsive type. The medication helps me concentrate better and helps me stay on topic with people and make better transitions in conversations. It also helps me focus and I don't "get stuck" on a topic.
I do carry an official Asperger's Syndrome diagnosis but after looking at it with my psychologist and psychiatrist, we saw that none of the obsessive interests applied and it's doubtful that the repetitive behaviors applied. I do perseverate but it's with topic disorganization, not a topic of interest. I don't have a go-to topic. I also try to make eye-contact but my eye turns out and I daydream and this all makes it difficult. I have been recommended to have surgery because it's that bad. I have no aversion to making eye-contact; emotionally, it is easy.
My wife and I are looking to adopt children and raise a family. They bring so much joy and they ARE A LOT OF WORK. I get a lot of joy out of the whimsical nature of children and their own little personalities, pun intended. I believe I have what it takes the sensitivity, the empathy, and the compassion needed to raise a child. I hope to be there for my children and hope to be a good disciplinarian (not too little or too much). I hope to get them help if they need it and to be there for them always, willing to give my life for my children. I understand this with my wife and she's the love of my life. She happens to have Turner Syndrome but she grew up in a household of expectations and compensated well for the most part. I am looking forward to growing a family together.
I am wondering if anyone here has had any experiences with trying to adopt a child. I was wondering what a social worker wants to know, what personality tests are necessary, and how to have a good home study. Also, I was wondering if it's necessary to have a label of Social Communication Disorder or if those with Asperger's can adopt.
Thank you
You scored 62 aloof, 49 rigid and 81 pragmatic - language differences
Your neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 59 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 148 of 200
EQ = 50
SQ = 37
AQ = 22
You are very likely neurotypical