Hi im really new to this webisite and i am very shy too i grew up as a child in nyc queens borough until 5 years old, i went to preschool in the US ( called little friends school), i was born in beth israel mount sinai hospital. I was under the protection of my great grand ma( which was married with a doctor-engineer) and my mum a teacher as well as my father which worked as a cook in a great restaurant. I had many cousins from my dad (i was very close from my cousin deisy which said i was very smart). After 6 years old in new york and my grand ma passed away i left America for france which was to be the greatest mistake in my opinion they could have make. My mums family was french from origin and she said healthcare and climate was better in this country so we moved overthere...
At first there were no problems to integreate myself and have a group of friends, teachers said i was really smart but that i had troubles for writing and had difficulties to concentrate on work and that rules of life in community ( sorry for syntax google translate) had to be imposed to me. I can see that teachers in france really do
not know about aspergers and different kids but lets continue... The problem was not to make friends but to keep them even if at the same moment my dad had left (dont know if both events are related though) i began to loose some even all of my friends because of weird behavior (one friend said i was mentally disabled and the other left my because i threw his pillow off the building). I began to be left alone bc of my specific interests on astronomy and history. One teacher humiliated me in front of my peers and said i was an underacheaver and gave me a kick on the but. Teachers often punished me bc i seemed bored by class or a bad student... Other kids bullied me severerly humiliated me and treated me of disabled... At this moment i was acheaving great at school... My moms boyfriend first thought that i had aspergers bc of this and had read many stuff on it...At middle school it became worse: i received kicks, stones and insults by peers that grouped against me treating me of ret*d or dumb. I was feeling kind of lonely at the moment and unsecure. But the worse was to come. In october 2010 in a normal day, school was over i was heading towards the school gate when suddenly a boy from probably 8th or 9th grade (the french equivalent is 4eme or 5eme) spit on me, as a result and as i was fed up i spit on him and ran in the opposite direction, but someone crooked my leg and i felt my head on a post, i had a concussion bc my head was spinning but i didnt loose counsciousness someone took me to the school nursery to put some cream on my head, my neighbour pick me up as i was groggy and not really aware of what was happening around, i was sleeping at home and latter when my mum arrived i was vomiting she took me to hospital they made a ct scan and found a very small bleed hematoma. i was kept in a special unit care and was not operated and gave medicines.
Voila, what is my greatest fear now is if this head injury was a concussion or severe and if i declined in intelligence? It is really sad that france is backwards for aspergers and that i would have lost my intelligence for dumb kids...
Hope someone will understand
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Welcome to WP, Michael! I am sure you're fine and that the concussion you sustained didn't do anything permanent.
Sorry for all you've gone through but join the club of us who have had similar experiences. I hope you'll find some friends and answers here.
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