Hey! I'm 18 years old and I'm not sure if I have Aspergers or not but everyone on here seems really intelligent and chill. I've always felt like the odd one out but my psych said I couldn't have aspergers..? I'm too animated and giddy and bubbly but somehow I relate to many aspects of aspergers. I'm a daydreamer, awkward, and don't have many friends. I obsessively research stuff until I haven't moved in days and I only get up for my own physical health. I'm not good with details, however. I'm a disorganized mess, wading through the world while others have a clear path. I feel like they know something I don't and I know something they don't.
I write poetry, sing, and obsessively research psychology. I am trying to figure out myself because I am so lost. I live in a semi-state of daydreaming 24/7. It's how I'm wired but it makes it hard to cope with the world.
Anyways, nice to meet y'all!