Hello from a sun and gardening obsessor. My biggest social challenges are my fixation on reciprocity and avoiding helicoptering others. I will be sixty in a few years. I have no social life because of my hyperosmia, orthorexia, and obsessions at home. I never miss people I disconnect from, just the opportunity to rave on about obsessions with someone else.
Every challenge listed in my signature has a formal diagnosis except Aspergers. I no longer bother with doctors and counselors because they can't fix themselves and I don't want to add more to what the government already thinks it knows about me.
When I was 20 I had some brain scans to rule out tumors because of my chronic migraine. The neuro mentioned amygdala anomalies and vascular "kinks". So, when I got my genetic profile results last year and saw all the MTHFR crap and other detox issues, I got on with embracing my quirky self and not judging my friendlessness. At least I cured my own lifelong chronic migraine! But my orthorexia is much worse now.
My mom is the most severe compulsive talker I have ever known, much of it stinking thinking. My dad died of Lewy Body Dementia.
Challenges: hyperosmia, hyperacusis, migraine, dysbiosis, anxiety, sulfur and glutamate intolerance, anorexia, dysnumia, ocd, hypergraphia, novelty seeking, derealization, depersonalization, hyperfocus, chronic vitamin D and magnesium deficiencies, hypermobility, orthorexia
Strengths: empathy, mechanical ability, openness, music, design, composition, language, Socratic teaching method