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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

Joined: 30 Nov 2016
Age: 32
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Location: pennsylvania

06 Dec 2016, 11:45 pm

Hey, I'm Ryan. 24 years old
I'm on here to look for a friend or two I guess as I'm s**t at making them >_<
Interests include hiking/adventuring, snowboarding, and hallucinogens..
For music I'm into a very small bit of rap, but mostly rock/metal/techno/ska
Throughout most of my day I'm mainly behind my computer screen, browsing reddit or playing the same games over again.(runescape, world of warcraft, osu, etc.) On the occasions I go on long walks with a friend or two aimlessly, or if there's snow on the ground I'm usually snowboarding.
I have a few friends in real life that still are willing to chill with me, almost all I've pissed off in some way or form..
But anyway, I'm socially awkward as hell, just trying to make life not as sucky. If we have any similar interests or anything I can probably easily carry on a conversation, if not, well I'll probably disappoint you.
But yeah, Hey. I'm Ryan.


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07 Dec 2016, 12:43 pm

Hey Ryan welcome. :sunny:

No power in the 'verse can stop me. - River Tam (Firefly)


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09 Dec 2016, 6:41 pm

Welcome to Wrong Planet! :D

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!