So I've been on a trip of self knowledge.
Always felt that there was something "wrong" with me, but I was ok with it since my life was just being stuck inside my house and playing videogames. On this last years I started to work, and also some kind of frustation started to grow inside me because I was living around normal people (or neurotypical if you prefer) and I saw them getting into relationships, having kids, doing things together, etc.
So I decided to look for answer and spent most of my time reading a lot about mental things.
In my teens I tried to cure myself in different religions. I'm from a very religious family so I thought it could help me. But no it didn't.
I decided to have no religion and I also don't know and I'll never be sure if there's a god or spirits, etc.
I've read about schizoid PD and thought I had this, but still I didn't fit in some symptons yet I can relate to a big part of them. And recently an online friend told me about his asperger and when he described it I said "damn this is me". And so I got here. Hope to find out more about myself and make friends here. Wish the best for you who read it.
Also I'm not a native english speaker so I'm sorry for any mistakes.