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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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29 Jan 2017, 11:46 am


I was diagnosed at 18....I'm now 26. I work in an Autistic school and am popular amongst my colleagues. I have select few friends outside of work. I like to think I'm fun and like current trends although make them my own.

Although it sounds all sunny on that side.....I don't have any friends who have aspergers. Most people accept me but struggle to understand....because they don't.

I don't understand the meaning of life or the point of it and I get upset when I go to bed because I don't know what my purpose is yet or where I'm meant to be to get there!

I'm looking to chat to people who can relate to me on this level so I feel accompanied and have support.

I like adventures, visiting different places of interest, cars, sports, music, food etc.

Please if you feel we would get along.....message :)

Thanks for taking the time to read this post



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29 Jan 2017, 3:50 pm

Welcome to Wrong Planet
I personally, am one of those people who has a strong sense of their own purpose and direction.
I wish you well in trying to find your way.


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29 Jan 2017, 4:42 pm

Welcome to Wrong Planet! :D

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!


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29 Jan 2017, 5:41 pm

Hi Charlie. :D I'm pretty new too. Though, I have a hubby. I have a small handful of friends and while they're not Aspie either, most are a little funny. A couple of them have head injuries so we can commiserate about a small handful of things. Like the inability to decide anything. LOL

I can totally relate to the whole purpose thing. I raised hubby's kids as a step-mom. So that was a pretty easy purpose to recognize (not that the tasks were easy :p LOL). But when everyone grew up and moved into their own lives, I seriously floundered. I tried to look at it as a vacation or sabbatical, but that didn't always work. I write now. And even though I feel like it's where I'm supposed to be, I still go to bed worrying I've somehow ended up on the wrong path and that it'll all go horribly wrong.

I've only found i have to tell myself to trust that I'm either in the right place or that I can be of some use where ever I go. Otherwise, I'd never get out of bed. :p

And you're doing an amazing thing! Working in an autistic school is incredible. I can't be around other autistics for very long because I start mirroring the worst behaviors. Or worse, we start mirroring back and forth. If that made any sense. LOL It sounds to me like you're right where you need to be. :D

From my own experiences, I don't think we have only one life's purpose. Yours will change a few times in your life, I'm sure.

:/ I hope that helped some. You can PM me should you be so inclined. I have a hard time reaching out to people. I sincerely have a hard time believing people want to talk to me for long periods of time. ;) :D I'm finding that's not totally true. Which is nice to know. LOL

Rambled. :D Sorry. ;) :D So yeah. PM if you'd like, or I'll try to look back here for more conversation. :D


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29 Jan 2017, 7:57 pm

Welcome to WP! You can PM me if you want.


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31 Jan 2017, 12:12 pm

Guten tag! I am always open to PM's. However, I don't always reply very fast, as I don't post here every day. Still I'm open to a chat.

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The Colourblind Country Chemist & Tropical Tracker

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02 Feb 2017, 10:29 pm

welcome im open to PMs

~Been a bad girl, I know I am
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03 Feb 2017, 3:32 am

I know how it is to feel as though you're totally stuck. Hopefully you'll find your purpose in life, either with or without our help.

Anyhow, welcome to WP on my behalf. :D

“They laugh at me because I'm different; I laugh at them because they're all the same.”
― Kurt Cobain

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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03 Feb 2017, 5:10 am

Welcome to the forum, newbie myself here lol.


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11 Feb 2017, 9:00 pm

Welcome to wrongplanet Charlie360 as, I hope your time here will be most helpful to you as your learn more of what Aspergers is and what it is like as well, being able to navigate some of the pitfalls along the way with kindhearted, thoughtful Aspies found all throughout this site. I'm the person whom always changes his avatar and signature line.

I'm an extremely vulnerable person. Vulnerability and emotion are very closely linked.


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12 Feb 2017, 2:26 am

Hi Charlie - I'm 65 now, and I still sometimes wonder about the path my life has taken and if I'm fulfilling my purpose.

Not only do Aspies 'mature' at a different rate than NTs, but we also tend to psychologically consider and reconsider, and reconsider, a lot of what occurs in our lives and how we respond to it. NT maturation rates place adulthood/maturity somewhere in the mid twenties, with us it seems to occur in the thirties or even later. Our prolonged rate however, also seems to create a deeper and wider sense of consciousness (at least to ourselves, if no one else :wink: ) I've noticed this deep internalization and fluidity in the 'sense of purpose' to be rather common amongst us. So, you should consider yourself quite normal.

NT psychological profiling tends to label this sort of thing neurotic, but that would only be correct when measured against the whole of humanity...amongst your peers you are right about where one should be on the maturation scales. Actually, a lot of NTs also are considering such things in their early twenties - though many NTs would be scratching their heads at your 'problem' - it's totally outside their socio-cultural norm.

No one can tell you the answer, or give you your purpose with any precision...though a lot of social institutions like religions try to, as well as unscrupulous individuals who can sense your inner puzzlement and attempt to take advantage. Since you work in a school that focuses on autistic education, you might have access to people you can take counsel with - but ultimately, this is one of those core life issues that can only be accomplished by oneself. Also, as JuliaW mentioned, a sense of one's purpose can change through your lifetime.

It's sort of like riding a bike. Keep at it and you'll find your balance and start moving forward. And like riding a bike, as you move along you might find your path and goals change along with the landscape. :)

Smart blondie28
Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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12 Feb 2017, 11:51 am


Wow I can totally relate with you. Only I found out in twenties not that long ago. Pm me:)


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12 Feb 2017, 2:07 pm

Hi Charlie,

I'm 41 and from Gloucestershire in the UK and have just been diagnosed with Asperger's. I too feel lonely and have had a lifelong difficulty making friends with other females of my age so I generally hang out with older men because I get along better with them.

Rather than feeling that I don't know what my path is in life, I feel that I very strongly do but found it too late so that now it's impossible (without a lot of financial help) to achieve it. I feel as if my life has been wasted because I am not able to fulfill my life's passion and have to earn money by doing something I don't really care for. I have read that this is a very difficult situation for an Aspie to accept and certainly, in my case, this has been true. My life has felt blighted by it.

I will always respond to a PM if you ever feel like a chat :)