Hi all,
I'm a 26 year old, recently self-diagnosed aspie, though I have my first professional consultation on Tuesday to hopefully make it official. I've known that I was "different" for a long time now, but put it down to a variety of other factors, and have only entertained the possibilty of it being something in-built rather than learned over the past year.
Reading up on other peoples experiences and lists of symptoms online have made me reflect on so much of my life and made it all finally start to make sense.
I took the "aspie quiz" and got a score of neurodiverse 169 of 200, neurotypical 54 of 200, with my NT traits falling almost exclusively in the relationship and social categories. I know it's not a real diagnostic tool, but it feels so wonderful to have something that says my suspicions have merit.
Anyway, I signed up here in hope I'd be able to understand myself a little better. Plus, most of the forums I used to frequent have died off now, and I'm looking for somewhere to spend a little of my online time