Hello! So, this is my intro. I don't really know if I belong here, but here I go.
I am in my thirties. I have one son who is five and diagnosed ASD. He is totally awesome, super handsome and charismatic and really really into trains. I have one daughter who is too young to be screened/evaluated yet, but may receive a diagnosis (also possibly a freaking genius in my opinion?). She is also into trains.
I started doing a little research into what ASD might look like in a girl (for purposes of my daughter), and low and behold, it sounds like it looks a little bit like me. However, I do not have a diagnosis and was never evaluated as a child. I was just described as things such as sensitive, free-spirited, flaky, naive, tenderhearted, ditzy, artsy, etc. I work in a profession where it is perfectly okay to be a little eccentric, if you will, and I am fortunate enough to be able to do my work and be left alone for the most part.
I am into trains only because my kids are so into trains. I do love 90s music.