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Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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14 Mar 2017, 6:22 pm

It's been a few months since I last came here. My last post was on 13 Jul 2016 in General Autism Discussion and was about Suicide Avoidance and Prevention. In it I introduced myself even though I have been a member of this website since 20 Mar 2010 and been coaching and counselling people with Asperger's since my 50th birthday, 21 Mar 1995. I was an official back then, as chief instructor of suicide avoidance and prevention of the UK and Commonwealth haven for auties and aspies called the County Surveyors Society. And when I last posted I advertised the fact that I had set up a 7 Steps in 98 Days autoresponder email service to teach suicide avoidance and prevention 'one-to-many' rather than 'one-to-one' by email as I had before. It was remarkably successful, having attracted almost 100 subscribers by today, so it is doing its job well, and keeping them from walking too near the edge of the cliff and falling over.

I launched it on 01 Jan 2016 and it saved the Executive Director of the Start Up Think Tank of Energime University in the US from suicide, so she introduced me to the University's Director, Bill Sosinsky, who recruited me as Energime University's Ambassador for Students with Autism / Asperger's Syndrome, which has opened a new and unexpected window for me to help auties and aspies like me cope with our condition. That was in August, and by December I'd attracted a 'fanbase' on the internet of over 2½ billion (yes, that's billion with a 'b') readers, listeners and viewers. I had never in my wildest dreams ever contemplated an audience of that many people for my message of hope for us all. It struck me as being as profound as believing that god loves and forgives us all unconditionally. I apologise for saying that if you don't think the same way as me, but, I don't apologize for being me, because being me is okay.

Thankfully, I have attracted this enormous fanbase without losing my soul, as I haven't attracted celebrity fame and fortune, because everything I do for my fellows auties and aspies I do pro bono. I never paid anyone to help me cope with my condition, so I don't see that I should charge anyone for doing it for them. Becoming Energime University's Ambassador for Autie / Aspie Students is a great honour and a great challenge, so I'll be popping back to this thread from time to time over the coming months to keep you up to date with what's happening in that role. So I'll say ciao for now and will come back and see you soon. Namaste y'all.

adriantesq - Born 1945, diagnosed as Savant 1949, Autist 1950, Unfulfilled musical genius 1953, Autistic Psychopath 1960, Aspie 1994, appointed as the County Surveyors Society Chief Instructor Suicide Avoidance and Prevention in 1995, became Amazon Best Selling Author in Biographies and Memoirs of Childhood Autism and Asperger's Syndrome 2014, and Ambassador for Autie and Aspie Students of Energime University 2016.


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14 Mar 2017, 7:30 pm

Welcome back to Wrong Planet! :D

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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Joined: 20 Mar 2010
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15 Mar 2017, 5:13 am

I’m nearly 72 now (6 days to go) and just slept 6 hours straight which is unusual for me as I normally sleep only 2 hours straight at most, so I figure what happened just before was a watershed in my life, namely, Quora blocking me from posting questions and answers on its website on the grounds of spamming it, and me going to Wrongplanet instead, where I have never, ever, been blocked on grounds of spamming, in other words, I was traumatise by my treatment by Quora, so shan’t be going back there in a hurry. It reminded me of another trauma in my life, when I was just turned 49, and I had a mental breakdown at the office where I was then employed, writing officially secret, government strategy and policy white and green papers. I had suffered amnesias at age 15 and 38, which meant the first 15 years of my life, lay under a double layer of amnesias, so the private consultant clinical psychiatrist my employer commissioned to repair me, gave me hypno-regression diagnosis and treatment to get into and repair, any unresolved trauma I was still carrying from the that 15 years – and I had quite a surprise, as I discovered my earliest unresolved trauma happened in the course of my birth – I had a memory of dying of oxygen starvation due to a trapped umbelical chord in the early stage of my birth, and of the Angel of Death conveying me to heaven, and handing me to God, to have and to hold, and walk and talk and play with for company while I waited for the maternity team back at the hospital, where my mum and my mortal coil still were, to birth me, re-oxygenate me, turn me upside down, hold me by the ankles, and smack my bum, to bring me back to life. The difference between my life to date on earth, and my afterlife in heaven, was so immense that I didn’t want to leave my afterlife in heaven to go back to my life on earth, and, incredibly, that was an unresolved trauma I was still struggling with at age 49. It wasn’t the only one. I had over 2000 such traumatic returns from afterlife in heaven to life on earth, before attaining 15. Indeed, it was those traumas that led to my first overlay of amnesias, that received the double layer of amnesias when I was 38, which the psychiatrist was interested in, as my track record immediately before my breakdown, included correspondence with a cousin from my early childhood recalling ritual, satanic, sexual, abuse towards her, when she lived with us for a short period, and he wanted to find out by hypno-regression therapy if my amnesias were hiding any such experiences in my life or observation of such experiences of others in my life. He found none, but that’s not the point. The point is he found I had vivid recollections of an afterlife, a god, and an Angel of Death, from my childhood to age 15, that began before I had even taking breath, here on earth. That hypno-regression therapy revealed a secret life of which I was blissfully unaware at 49 before I received that therapy and it took 12 number 2 hour sessions of that therapy to tease that secret out from under my double layer of amnesias.

adriantesq - Born 1945, diagnosed as Savant 1949, Autist 1950, Unfulfilled musical genius 1953, Autistic Psychopath 1960, Aspie 1994, appointed as the County Surveyors Society Chief Instructor Suicide Avoidance and Prevention in 1995, became Amazon Best Selling Author in Biographies and Memoirs of Childhood Autism and Asperger's Syndrome 2014, and Ambassador for Autie and Aspie Students of Energime University 2016.