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Joined: 16 Jun 2016
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Location: Yosemite

05 May 2017, 10:13 pm

While I joined the site a little while ago I haven't posted much or make a real introduction. Since being diagnosed on 4/20 maybe it's time I say hello. Hello, My name is Steven I'm 36 years old I live in Yosemite national park and work as a kitchen helper(prep cook/porter/dishwasher).
My life has been full of ups and downs with a lot of downs, very often feeling like one step forward three steps back but some how just shy of four years ago I found myself in Yosemite. After a rough start about a year after I arrived I started to find my place in this world. I highly recommend looking into the national park system for anybody wanting to live independent but not have all the responsibilities of the "real world". Please feel free to ask if anybody has any questions.
About two years ago I learned about the balance art of slacklining created right here in Yosemite and very quickly an obsession was born. While balance and coordination don't come naturally to me after a ton of hard work and even more bruises(yea for special interest and hypo sensitivity to pain) I started to get the hang of it and now a days I spend much of my free time practicing the form of slacklining known as longlining which you may have guessed is about walking longer and long lines my personal best being 360'. If anybody is curious you can check it out slackinsteven on instagram.
That's enough rambling on for now but I do want to say that after so many years of feeling alone it's great to know there are others like me and it's been great to find the community here at wronglanet.

P.s. Anybody get the army of darkness reference, I hope you did

Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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06 May 2017, 1:09 pm

Welcome to you, SlackinSteven. I hope you find this community helpful.

Christian, Aspergian, Recovering Bundle Of Neurotic Anxieties.


Joined: 23 Nov 2006
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07 May 2017, 3:47 pm

Welcome to Wrong Planet! :)

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!