Hi there. I was diagnosed last week at the age of 27. I cried when I got my diagnosis. Just relief and confusion I think!
I didn't read up beforehand because if I wasn't aspie then it would be wasted effort. Having started reading everything I can now there are SO many things I had NO idea were typically aspie, and not just me being awkward and difficult!
I feel a lot less alone already. Knowing I'm not alone in how I think and process. Knowing that some of my experiences which nobody else could understand try as they might, are actually experiences some people are familiar with. I've always felt different. "Wrong Planet" is exactly it! I used to fantasise as a child that I was an alien studying humans in disguise and one day "my people" would come for me and we would laugh about the crazy things these "human" creatures do.
Very early days so I'm researching, figuring out what this means for me. But I am hopeful, now I have the information and the tools to improve further, I've done so much on my own already but felt I'd gotten about as far as I could, and what was left I had no idea how to tackle!
Nice to (virtually) meet you all, my fellow aliens