Hey there, I'm Hannah, I'm 23 and I've been an expat in Amsterdam for two years. I work as a nanny living on my own with a low income.
Shortly after arriving here I went to the doctor because of terrible stress headaches and I started a new pilgrimage through a series of psychologists (story of my teenage years in my home country). Around a year ago I read about autism and asperger's syndrome for the first time in my life. It was the first time I begun to actually understand why I am the way I am and what was "wrong" with me. No offense intended, but I've suffered for severe depression for many years and now high chronic stress as well. I am now in the process of being diagnosed. It is being slow, but I hope afterwards I can finally received some proper support and hopefully help.
I am a quiet and rather shy person, even on the internet, but I look forward to read you and maybe talk to some of you.