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02 Dec 2017, 1:01 am

I've always been different & felt different. My name for this, since the 1970s, has been Wrong Planet Syndrome. This site naturally attracted my attention.

I've done 3 online Aspergers tests, and come in as 'borderline', 'mixed', 'low in the range', etc. I'll get a proper diagnosis soon, so my family might get to learn why I've always written books, worked in war zones, etc, instead of entering the banking profession.

I'm presently not worried about either being Aspergers or telling people about it - tho I don't yet understand enough about Aspergers to know whether I should be worried.

But so far I like aspies as a species, indeed probably prefer them. They're passionate about what they do, can't stand small talk, and do not deploy unneeded politesse when making a point. In an increasingly corporatised/alienated world awash with mind-numbing conversation, those are desirable traits.


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02 Dec 2017, 7:45 pm

Well I get the same kinds of results you do in all online tests (as borderline, mixed, yada yada yada).

Unfortunately, if you're looking for someone who doesn't smalltalk, then I'm sorry you've found the wrong guy. I don't do it excessively but I do my share sometimes -- it'd be more like I'm not especially good at it. But who cares really? There are many, many things that I could certainly do that would stump your average chatty kathy. (what's the name for a talkative man? a windbag? Dunno).


~Glflegolas, B.Sc.
The Colourblind Country Chemist & Tropical Tracker

Myers-Briggs personality: The Commander
Asperger's Quiz: 79/111, both neurodiverse and neurotypical traits present. AQ score: 23 Raads-r score: here


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04 Dec 2017, 5:44 am

I wondered what the Aspie was suspected of, but I get it now. Welcome to Wrong Planet, you sound like you've had an interesting life, are you able to multitask?


Joined: 1 Dec 2017
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04 Dec 2017, 6:32 am

Thanks for the welcome. Yep I make mistakes like that often, from being too literal. I wonder if my poor ability to follow geographical directions also comes from interpreting over-literally.

I can multitask but it annoys me. (Tho the ability goes up & down with mood; & my aspy behaviors in general seem to wax & wane with environmental triggers including certain foods, & whether the situation is engaging or just 'work'.)

E.g. I like long stretches of researching & writing; but interruptions (real life) have always thrown me right out. I can't do any serious structural work on a book when distractions threaten: have to keep it episodic & superficial till there is peace & solitude.


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05 Dec 2017, 8:13 pm

Welcome to Wrong Planet! :)

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!