New here. Hello.
Late forties male from Northern Ireland. Always felt different. The transition from primary school to high school was marked by all the other children obviously "getting" something that I didn't. This set me apart and resulted in 7 years of bullying, mostly verbal and non inclusion. Poking fun at me etc, in hindsight they would wind me up and watch me go. I contemplated suicide a few times, holding a knife against my chest and not being able to go through with it. This at 12-13 yrs of age. Don't get me wrong, I did have a peer group. Not a fun time at all though. Life hasn't been much different. Social exclusion at my last workplace. Not the sort of people I would choose to spend my time with anyway. But still, it isn't nice to be on the receiving end of that kind of behaviour especially when job evals rely on your place in the social grouping. That didn't turn out too well for me. I left to bring up my two kids as it was far better me leaving work than giving over all my wages for a job I no longer enjoyed to a childcare place. Madness in my opinion. Major surgery and two babies gave me time to think and contemplate my place in the world and conclude that I most likely am on the autistic spectrum as other peoples accounts left me reeling as they were describing my experience of life and growing up. It was a shock and I reckon I entered a grieving process for a while.
I have been lurking here and there and ,well, here I am.