I'm Daniel. I'm 53, and I have two daughters. my youngest is 15 and she is diagnosed autistic spectrum, though I'm pretty sure the correct diagnosis would be Aspergers. (She displays many of the classic symptoms such as the literal-mindedness and sometimes difficulties with social skills.)
Nice to find out about this site. We (my daughter and her family) will welcome the sport and companionship. She is basically doing pretty well, but as most of you know it can be challenging at times.
I do wonder if I was an undiagnosed Aspie myself. I remember quite well having to deliberately teach myself social skills and so on in my late 20's, through my 30's. When I was a kid, there was very little awareness of these conditions. Some of those who know us both well say that they see a lot of me in her.
Anyway, nice to know you all and hopefully you might meet her too in a few days (when exams are over!)
all the best