Hi all,
Been researching Asperger's for about 2 years now. Trying to get referred for diagnosis but finding lots of brick walls - not giving up though. My doctor is on my side and its been great talking to him. Outside of a relationship I rarely talk about what goes on in my head (and Im not that good at doing it in a relationship either lol) but after 3 years of visiting my doctor (for various reasons) I am feeling more comfortable about talking about stuff like this.
For some reason, when talking to people in authority, I always feel like I am imposing upon them and as soon as I have said hello.... I want to say goodbye. This has been the case with my doctor up until about 6 months ago when I brought up Asperger's. Now when I go to visit him, he sits back in his chair and ask me 'how are things'? This immediatley makes me feel relaxed and I can talk more openly with him (even though I still feel like I should get to the point very quickly so he can see the next patient).
Reading through the threads here has made me feel 'normal' and its a great feeling.
This Sunday in Bristol where I live, there is a social gathering of people with Asperger's - they meet on the 1st Sunday of every month. The have pool, other games, tea and coffee (hope there is beer) and stuff like that... and chat I guess! I have never been to anything like this before and I am very very anxious about going. I want to go. I really want to go and meet people who are the same as me - people who have been living with Asperger's far longer than I have - and I want to talk to them... but I now have to put this in my head and work out all the possibilities and scenarios of what could happen there so that I can be prepared. This will not be an easy task. ANY ADVICE?
Anyway, my name is Gary - Hi