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Druid Kane
Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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10 Jul 2017, 10:51 am


I've decided to join this forum, because I'm told its a good place to go if you have asperger's syndrome, which I have. My journey with AS began when I was a teenager, as my schooling education was always a couple of years behind my peers. I was diagnosed with AS, and as such I've come to accept AS the reason for the way things are, but as I grow older into my late 20s, I'm beginning to question my AS.

The problem with AS, is that there's too many variations and explanations of the condition, that it makes me wonder if I even have it sometimes, that I might have been misdiagnosed, or is it mild? In my youth I was a bit of a wallflower, keeping to the peripheral of where everyone was, and yet wanting to be with them in their circle, knowing I couldn't. As far as the person who diagnosed me, it might have seem a classic symptom of AS, especially as I have a cousin who has autism. But the difference to myself 10 years ago is startling.

The reason I question me having AS, is that, some aspects of my behaviour is associated with things that relate to how an aspie functions, like having high intelligence, good memory (I'm excellent at history and knowledge), and at the same time, my ability to form relationships, lasting ones that is, is nonexistent. I have lots of confidence, I can easily make conversation with people, tell jokes and make people laugh, and often quite popular in my circles at work, and yet my friends are far and few in between, and by friends, I mean people who I socialise. Typical AS.

And yet, there are people who have this life and trend, that do not have AS, and this, is where my confusion on me having AS comes into it? For years I've denied myself having AS, and instead, adopted this idea that me being the way I am is part of my character, and rather than go against the nature of who I am, I embrace myself for who I am, and take the view that I will act upon how I feel. If I feel like talking and being sociable, I will, and if not, I will keep to my company.


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10 Jul 2017, 7:29 pm

Welcome to Wrong Planet! :)

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

Joined: 12 Jul 2017
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12 Jul 2017, 1:02 am

Hi and welcome to the forum.


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16 Jul 2017, 12:30 am

Think outside the box... what autistic traits do you have? Make a list, and get help for each trait that bothers you, rather than getting a diagnosis of AS. A diagnosis will likely cause you grief, as a diagnosis makes people think that you have certain negative things you don't, both real traits of autism and imagined.

And welcome to WP. :D