Hello, Vorzac, and welcome to Wrong Planet:
"A new challenger approaches", hmm?
Select your character.
Round one: FIGHT!
(or is the line "Let's get chaotic?")
-Vorzac- wrote:
Greetings all. I have decided after much deliberation (and lurking) to join this site, as I think it’s a very good place to be, with people I can empathize with and I feel I may have much to contribute in the future. Now, to tell you all about myself.
Warning: TL;DR ranting ensues.
I am Mike, I live in Guildford, Surrey of England with my father, and I am 20 years of age. an officially diagnosed Aspie, having been diagnosed at a very young age (Though I myself didn’t find out until I was 14) However I also have a number of co-morbid problems including: Motor nerve disorder, General anxiety disorder, agoraphobia, bipolar disorder and (the most problematic) schizophrenia. This all mean that it’s very hard to attribute different problems with different illnesses. Now, I’m sure that some of you, having read that list, might possibly think A: this guy’s a hypochondriac or B: he’s just looking for attention and/or sympathy. I assure that I am neither of these things; I just like to be honest and upfront about my problems in the hope that people will be accepting and understanding. I went through a series of thoroughly traumatic events between the ages of 6 and 19, which may account for these illnesses. Despite all these problems I remain something of an optimist, if not a realist, feeling that all these problems only serve to improve my person and broaden my perspective of life, and so I live by the motto “Patientia planto nos validus”(sic). Personality wise I’m quite an anxious and shy person, but also quite philanthropic and sympathetic, which means I actually make friends very easily, although most of my NT friends would probably be considered “weird” by the Masses, and I find social situation where there is more than one other person and myself difficult and problematic, which explains why I find it far easier to communicate my thoughts and feelings through a keyboard. I am quite introverted, very nervous and deeply thoughtful, usually dwelling on philosophical issues or how to improve myself, while failing to understand why NTs my age seem only concerned with booze and sex. I have been told that I am like an adult trapped in a teenager’s body, and I usually get on better with people older than myself. Unlike a lot of Aspies (or at least the aspie stereotype), I am number dyslexic and have little grasp of mathematic and IT. Instead I’m a chronically creative, artistic and imaginative person. I currently live off benefits and will probably never work full time (which some people are quite envious of). I try to spend most of my time writing, which I find therapeutic and life-assuring. However, I am extremely possessive of my work and will only show it to people I trust and respect, as it is very personal and I don’t believe in flashing for work around on the internet for everybody and their dog to see (if they have a dog, of course). I also several years of semi-professional training in acting, my second love. I hold a national diploma in Performing Arts with _almost_ highest possible marks. Things that some aspies find difficult to understand, I have managed to learn and understand through intense attention to detail ( I have been known to become completely engrossed with things like the wheel of a bus or the branch of a tree. Little things that many take for granted fascinate and intrigue me) and lots of rigorous studying, as I’m quite quick to pick things up if I’m shown how. I suppose I should list my “obsessions” though I don’t consider them as such. These include Doctor who (I’ve been a fan since I was about 3), Farscape, the gothic and the occult, music of various types, various video games, the horror genre, Paul Verhoeven films, Ross Noble (English comedian) Bill Bailey (another English comedian) and Shakespeare.
Erm, I think that’s about it, really. Can’t think of anything else. I hope I didn’t sound full of myself. I sure that I will get on well with the people here (from a brief scout round, I notice that I have very similar taste to people like Veresae) and I hope I will be able to make a worthwhile contribution to this community.
Also, the mods can delete my previous attempt at signing up, I mistyped my e-mail address without noticing :/