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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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Joined: 23 May 2007
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03 Jun 2007, 5:31 am

Hi everybody.

I'm a fairly new member here, I don't really require a full intro since I don't intend to have a post count the size of my phone number (no offense intended!) but I will be here from time to time.

In short I recently got diagnosed after telling the school psychologist how much I hate school, kinda glad I did that now.

Other than that I thought this forum needed a thread in which we could share aliases or nicknames for whatever games you guys are into, maybe we can even start a clan for some of them. Include any WoW characters, CS:S stuff even half life 2 mods you play or anything you wish to include.

I play C&C3 or any of the other C&C games, CS:S, F.E.A.R combat, America's army, Morrowind, oblivion, Heroes 3 (old, i know), doom 1, 2 or 3, dungeon keeper, Battlefield 2, Zombie master (HL2 MOD)

CS:S / zombie master account - Evilye (use this to add me on friends) player name - Evilmonkey

C&C3 Alias - Scrinmonkey

I put in bold the games I am nearly definite I will clan on or accept challenges, the rest I may not have played for over a year, possibly longer, if your interested in challenging me to a game PM or post a reply with your stuff like i did.


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03 Jun 2007, 7:01 am

welcome to wrong planet, evilmonkey! i hope you feel welcome and i like games 2 8) :)



Haven't been here a while. Huh.


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03 Jun 2007, 8:10 am

Welcome to WP!


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