hello; i'm new here on this site, and also new to having an 'atypical autism' (or PDDNOS) diagnosis, and still newly learning what it means.
one thing it means is that i might be getting out of the psych hospital i'm currently in (for depression), and into a specialist auitism unit... and i have virtually no clue as to what that will entail.
if anyone wants to talk, or give me tips or book/web recomendations that would be great, but i should warn you that i only get online at weekends, so any conversation with me will be slightly stilted... talking about me in my absence is ok, so long as you're not mean.
basic facts about me are that i'm 28, i live in england, i'm female, i love cats, my favourite colour is pink. My favourite cheese is parmizan; and my choice of that last factoid reveals that do watch big brother
, and am just about not too ashamed to admit it.