Hi Adrian
Don't tell them. It shouldn't make any difference but it very likely will to the way in which people see you. Be careful who you tell, you don't have to tell anyone. It is probably a good idea to tell those people closest to you, if you have anyone close, it may help them to understand you better. Think very carefully about a wider disclosure because you can't take it back once it's out there.
I was diagnosed 5 months ago and it takes some time to adjust, give yourself that time, there's no rush, it's a lot to take in. I told my parents after about a fortnight then I told a couple of other people about a month ago, I've known them a long time. My concern as to being open is that I am currently applying for jobs and I live in a very small town. I hope to be more open eventually but I am aware that it can mean people doubting competence but I imagine it depends on your job.
You sound doubtful of the diagnosis, you can get a second opinion but I would recommend not doing so just because the ASD's you know are not like you. We're quite diverse. Perhaps you could put a couple of things that you don't think are very Autistic about yourself.
Court cases, are they custody if they are there are some others going through that too on here.
And remember, you haven't changed, you've always been the same, you've just gained a name for it that you'll probably find more comfortable when you've had more time to get used to it.