Hello everyone, please help with this doubt of mine
Good morning.
I am a 26 year old male and I'm highly suspicious of having asperger's syndrome but I have not been medically diagnosed yet.
Here are the reasons why I believe I have asperger's:
1.) Extreme difficulty in opening up to people and having a social life/friends. Now this should not be confused with being an introvert, introverts choose not to interact with people although they easily can if they want to. In my case it feels like being locked in a prison which I can't escape even if I want to.
2.) Fidgeting with comb. I usually do this to visualize something and I do it alone so that no one catches me and thinks I'm crazy. I have got to know through internet that this could be 'stimming' which is very common in asperger's syndrome.
3.) Anger bursts/snap out. It happens me with periodically, when I have no ways to release my emotional distress, I snap out. Upto 3 years ago I would break things and yell loudly but now I have learned to regulate that only restrict to abusing myself/self loathing.
And the last point which my makes suspicion even stronger.
4.) My younger brother has been diagnosed with low functioning autism. I've read that genetics play a strong role in asperger's syndrome.
It's a polite request to give feedbacks/opinons to this topic, I will feel very relieved, as they say the first step to solve a problem is to acknowledge the existence of it.
I have tried telling my parents about it, but they would ignore it completely or call me weak/coward, they would go on to say that I do not have friends because I don't try hard enough. Now this would sound like telling a physically disabled person to run a 100 metre sprint and if they are not able to do it, you tell them that they're not trying hard enough!
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I'm so sorry your parents aren't supportive. Do you think you could still talk to a smart/good doctor about it?
These could be signs! Part of the problem with being able to tell is that it comes in all shapes and sizes and manifests differently. I only recently found out I had it because I learned it tends to be different in girls. At this point, if it's hard for you to tell, finding a good doctor could be helpful just in case it is something else (in my experience autism can look like some mental disorders, I can't tell if I also have bipolar or if it's part of the autism). Also researching, doing what you're doing, being aware of those behaviors etc.
Why do you have doubts? It's totally normal and I did, but I later learned that the reasons I was doubting and thought I didn't have it were how some autistic people felt/acted (I watched a vlog where an autistic girl was talking about "performing" her whole life and I was like "yes! me!"). It can be hard to tell if something's autism, another condition, or a thing NTs do though, I'm always questioning if something is a symptom of something or an autistic trait or "normal."
I hope you can get answers!
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Thank you so much for your reply @EmFromOuterSpace!
I believe that diagnosis of high spectrum autism is difficult and is still at it's earlier stages. I'm from India where Asperger's Syndrome awareness is still very low. I had appointments with a psychologist for nearly 2 months who refused to believe I could have Asperger's Syndrome, instead she referred to my personlaity type as introverted (INFP) and told me that being introverted is normal. But then I know that introverted people choose to be isolated and they can easily strike a conversation with people if they want to, that's not my case as people within few moments get to know that I'm quirky to an extent.
Also, since I'm 26 now I've learned artificially how NTs talk, I had to program myself to behave like this due to a history of bullying I had to endure, and behaving like NTs was my self defense in a way. Which is why probably most people refuse to belive that I have got asperger's.
Anyways, thank you again EmFromOuterSpace!
Hello Siddhant
Welcome to WP. I can't tell you whether you are autistic or not, you would need a proper assessment, but don't worry. If you remain on WP talking to other's on the spectrum I believe you will soon be able to answer the question yourself. Either the way the mostly autistic people on here communicate will make sense to you and come as a huge relief or it won't, which will be an answer.
If you are not on the spectrum that doesn't mean that your problems aren't real just because they are not understood by the people around you.
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