Hi! There are 6 people in my family. 2 of my 3 teen sons have AS as does their step-dad (my husband). My other teen son, my 6 year old daughter and I all of Inattentive ADHD. We have many AS traits, but the 3 of us are hyper-emotional. We feel our own feelings and emotions 200% and we also take on the emotions of others. It is like we are in empathy over-drive. I often wish I was like the 3 Aspies because they don't let other people get to them. They can be very objective about other people's emotional garbage. They also say the 3 of us ADHDers are "EMO". They don't get the need for all the drama.
I am shy, the other 2 ADHDers aren't. I have social anxiety disorder which made me look like I have AS, but the whole emotional thing is definitely ADHD. As is the over-reaction to how I make other people feel. We are devastated if we think we have hurt, offended or angered someone.
ADHD and AS are both autistic spectrum disorders. They are also often seen in the same family. It makes for quite the interesting family situation.
All of the members of my family saw the same therapist which was very helpful in determining what was base personality and what was a neurobiological deviance. I don't think the therapist knew what hit her! 
"It is what it is until it isn't. Then it's something altogether different."