I have a boy that was always behind on milestones on development, which isnt a big deal as each kid grows at different rates. Finally when trying to teach him to read at 6 years, the wife and I thought he had delyxisa. he had already gone to speech therapy because he had language difficulties, but this was a new challenge. He was formally diagnosed with autism/ADHD/learning disabilities.
As we were going through the paperwork before the initial screening and then another set of paperwork for the test, we kept having two names pop in mind, another one of my boys (who is now scheduled to be tested) and me. I did a Ritvo (score of 200), a AQ (score of 45) and a EQ (score of 10). I am scheduled to start my screening this week. I read through Dr. Attwood's book this weekend and a lot of my life and everything I experienced and felt or didnt feel started making sense. When i was a kid, I was in a special ed "program to address the needs of high academic achieving children with significant emotional and behavioral problems." in Washington State. I contacted the school district from when i was there but was told they destroy records after 7 years, so I have no idea what my psychiatrist had said about me.