Hi, I'm Sean
So, to be honest, I honestly don't know if I have autism, though, the more I read about it, it does seem fairly likely or at least possible. But I guess there's no way to know until I actually see a doctor about it. But, the most I can say is when I read stories about people with autism or read about their experiences, I can definitely relate to it. When I've talked to my brother about it, he thinks it might be worth checking out at least, so there's that. It's also a little telling when apparently most of my family or the people I knew actually thought I was a pretty weird person but I was the last one to know about that.
I'm an English teacher in China and this has been quite an experience, especially as someone who already has trouble with the social rules in their own culture
But it's honestly been okay so far. The job can be really, really noisy. Sometimes to manageable levels if you know how to manage your classroom, but China is really one of the noisiest places on Earth which has been really difficult for me. But as long as I'm wearing headphones listening to music, it's okay.
Also, I like learning languages. I was originally wanting to go to Korea and have been trying to learn Korean before I found out that the job environment there is really competitive so someone said I can go teach in China. I never had any interest in learning Chinese until I suddenly found out I was going there. But, as someone who's never wanted to learn Chinese before, I've been learning it better than almost every other foreigner I know who has lived here for years. Also, I've found that Chinese is actually a pretty fun language to learn. Before learning Chinese, I've also learned Spanish(though, I need to practice it again because it's gotten pretty rusty). I really want to learn even more languages.
I've also studied music for a really long time. I played clarinet but then I took up guitar and have been playing that for over ten years now. I studied it in college for a year but it was hard for me to get along with the people at the school especially since my knowledge of music was already more advanced than most people's at the school. Also, I've found that I really enjoy learning by myself more than I enjoy learning in a school or a classroom environment.
So, one thing that has been difficult is that I live in China and I have no idea how I would get a diagnoses in this country or if I would even trust it(their attitude towards mental health and psychology isn't great and their medical system is...underdeveloped to put it nicely...). I was hoping to visit the US to finally get a checkup but it might be expensive and I don't think I'm under my family's insurance anymore since I have insurance with my job in China.
Regardless, this does seem like a nice place to talk with people. I enjoy reading people's thoughts and experiences on here and hope I get to contribute.
Joined: 23 Nov 2006
Age: 34
Gender: Male
Posts: 72,396
Location: Portland, Oregon