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Spectral Aurtist
Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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20 Jun 2018, 2:53 am

It's nice to meet you all (I hope).
I've been around a while and considered posting a couple times but never got around to it. I have not had awesome experiences on forums in the past, this is primarily due to having literally no fear at all about speaking my mind. I have been told that knowing what is and is not appropriate is not among my many skills and I fear it is this very fact that has lead to my eventual dismissal from a few forums. As I understand it this is not terrifically uncommon among people on the spectrum, so I am a little surprised to see such stringent rules for posting, and I am very concerned it will happen once again. So, if anyone has an inclination about how strictly these rules are enforced, whether there is any sort of leniency, or exception I would very much appreciate it . With all the disclaimers and questions out of the way.

I am in my forties, divorced. I am Male, I was diagnosed 3 years ago and I am a High functioning autistic savant.
I am happy to field questions, but I can ultimately only speak for myself. I'm not very well peopled anymore, I don't really like it I'm very social and there's no real reason why that I can tell why it is this way. Perhaps things just changed.

I know a lot of things and can do a lot of things really really well.

I can't think of much more to say...was it too much? was it just enough? too little?.... these have never been judgements I am good at making. It was about 1% of what I could have said so ...I am using restraint.

I hope to meet others of like mind here, ask questions, learn. that's it really. I really can't promise I won't accidentally violate the rules. I don't see rules I see infinite possibilities . so...Sorry in advance.


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20 Jun 2018, 2:58 pm

Welcome to Wrong Planet! :D

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!


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20 Jun 2018, 6:31 pm


Spectral Aurtist wrote:
I can't think of much more to say...was it too much? was it just enough? too little?.... these have never been judgements I am good at making. It was about 1% of what I could have said so ...

Seemed fine to me. Then again, I'm well aware of my own tendency to ramble and to take two hours editing the life out one paragraph which I then don't post because I can't work out how acceptable it will be; so maybe I'm not the best judge! :wink:

Spectral Aurtist wrote:
I really can't promise I won't accidentally violate the rules. I don't see rules I see infinite possibilities . so...Sorry in advance.

The moderators here are very good, and they're regular forum users like the rest of us; they know full well that keeping a bunch of autistic people in line is like herding cats. They don't get the ban-hammer out without giving plenty of warning shots and friendly advice first! (but don't take that as a challenge! :lol: )

And I'm intrigued. I don't have any savant skills myself, what are yours?

When you are fighting an invisible monster, first throw a bucket of paint over it.


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21 Jun 2018, 12:03 am

Welcome Spectral Aurtist!

We often get misinterpreted as people on the spectrum and that leads to problems. Have had many myself.

Being on an NT-forum feels like walking on eggshells, I hate it. Everything you say, no matter how good your intentions are, they twist and turn it into something bad eventually and I don't say anything anymore.

That is why I am so happy that I found Wrong Planet, here I feel that I can be myself for once. So take that as a good sign, it's different here, safer and I can really thank Wrong Planet for that because it's been ages since I felt safe somewhere.

A good point in the rules is that opinions are allowed but personal attacks are not.

Please be good to nature and all animals. Please be kind, respectful and patient with everyone. Equality and equity.