I want to apologize for my behavior in some of my posts on wrong planet.
I have just returned from a 28 day ban on my account for racism.
I posted a post that was extremely ill considered.
My uncle (long dead) was a bushman with a gruff manner and a 1940's mentality. i used to laugh at his euphemisms and when he discussed asian people, he said things i found hilarious. not because i believed them, but because they were so insulting to asians. he fought them in WW2.
anyway, i was kind of trying to be humerous with my post, but really, i know that some asian people are on this site, and i did not consider that they would find my post hurtful.
so to whoever i offended, i apologize.
i really think asians are polite and honest people. when i had a chip business, all of my asian customers paid their bills dutifully and on time with a smile.
anyway, i will not go on about that and perpetuate the matter, but i promise i will be never again succumb to saying anything other than than i really mean.