Hey there, I hope everyone is well. Great to be here.
Just a bit about me. I'm 31 and I always knew something was wrong or different about me, yet could never understand what it was. It was in my early 20's when based on some of my symptoms, I thought I had anxiety problems. Upon going to the dr's time and time again, they never fully got me. I never got the right treatment.
Little could I see at the time, but that was because most of my symptoms don't even match those of someone with anxiety. I.e.... The symptoms that happen, happen for no explainable reason at all.
Aspergers was suggested to me when I was asking for help and advice on message forums. Time and time again, based on what I was saying, people kept saying it sounds like Aspergers.
1 day I decided to look into it and I just couldn't believe it.
Before fully scouting all the symptoms online, I wrote out as much as I could on paper about things. Difficulties, experiences and even things other people said about me (My ex GF was forever telling me "You just don't understand" then I would say "Yes I do, really" then she would say "No, you dont, just forget it". She was always saying about my lack of empathy, how I get obsessed with 1 thing 1 minute for weeks, then it's onto something else with the same obsessive ways over it).
Then looked on multiple websites and yeah, I match so many of them. It's like I can say "that's exactly me".
A relief in some ways, but the hard part is of course getting a diagnosis.