Gosh it's been a long time since I was on an online forum like this. I used to use the old EZBoard forums a lot way back in the day.
My name is Factorydrone23. I'm an undiagnosed adult whose friends and significant other have both told me that the way I act, talk and deal with information, sounds like an aspie. I came to this forum hoping to find insight from other people, and to brush up on my very rusty social skills. I look forward to talking with other people here and hope I will also contribute something when the opportunity arises.
Anyway, thanks for having me. I enjoy all kinds of things. Used to be really into anime back in the day but I'm a lot shyer about that stuff now. I have and still like video games, though I'm always years behind whatever's current. Most recent games that I have beat are Layers of Fear and Dark Cloud 2. I like horror games and creepy stories. I also enjoy roleplaying games, and have always wanted to design the system for a fun tabletop RPG. I like scary movies and thrillers, but also kid movies, cartoons, etc.
I love spending my time hanging out with my SO. We like to chill and listen to music, read stories together, watch TV, smoke, and talk about life. Unfortunately I drive them crazy and I am working to fix that. I have difficulty responding to and understanding emotions a lot of the time. I don't observe physical cues very well during a conversation, and I develop tunnel-vision focus on a task all the time.
So that's me.