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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

Joined: 9 Sep 2018
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09 Sep 2018, 11:17 am

Hi all,

Married to a guy, been together 17 years & both suspected possible Aspergers with him for some time.
Finally done some research & an online test due to being stuck on the communication roundabout once again!
It looks like he's borderline & reading what we have so far is like a light bulb being switched on!
Just wish we'd explored it sooner.

I'm entering menopause so more emotionally unstable than normal so understandably things have been more difficult recently with us both just not communicating effectively& him struggling with my emotional needs.

Now both need to research & understand this further for the sake of our relationship moving forward as we are both desperately in love & happy so don't want this to falter.

I'm currently feeling lost & emotionally exhausted so in need of support.

The current issue is his seeming fixation on another female friend of ours to the exclsuion of me at times & his insistence on daily whatsapping with her....even for the whole 2 weeks of our recent holiday together despite the holiday supposedly being about trying to reconnect & bond having had a few months of mad busy work & life causing a disconnect between us.
I'm lost as to how to navigate it & trying to explain how he's making me feel is impossible, it's breaking my heart :(

Where on the forum is it best to post about this to get support & advice?

Thanks in advance everyone, looking forward to getting more involved on here & learning as much as I can to support my aspie man & keep this relationship strong. xx


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10 Sep 2018, 7:33 am

I think there is a thread(s) that are devoted towards issues pertaining to adult relationships and so forth.
I feel you will find not only the answers you need but, meaningful help to maintain your social scenario overall

I'm an extremely vulnerable person. Vulnerability and emotion are very closely linked.


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10 Sep 2018, 2:18 pm

Welcome Veneziana!

Enjoy the forum!

Please be good to nature and all animals. Please be kind, respectful and patient with everyone. Equality and equity.


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10 Sep 2018, 5:34 pm

Welcome to Wrong Planet! :D

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!