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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

Joined: 13 Aug 2018
Age: 59
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Location: Ireland

13 Aug 2018, 8:10 pm

Painting, astrology, trees, adventures in nature, the ocean, lively philosophical discussions, serendipity,
stories, sacred geometry, humor

Things I've done:
Death doula, gardener, actress, clown, illustrator, author, astrologer, inspirational coach, company trainer, workshop leader, cartoonist, singer song writer, empath councillor, heart path adventure guide.

What else...
I'm a nail biting, fingers twiddling, scab picking, tongue bending, imaginative, middle aged mother of two incredible grown up kids.

Does anyone else have this?
I have seasons in me... sometimes I'm spring, sometimes summer, fall or winter. In my winter times I would need to hibernate. Curl up small with eyes shut wrapped in heavy blankets. Life doesn't give space for this which makes me ill. Tend to try and be spring all the time which takes an enormous amount of energy ... but my inner seasons often get the upper hand.

Aspie in hiding. Very few outside my family know.

I'm supposedly very "high functioning" other words a master of self discipline, self denial and disguise.
My question is... at what cost? Feels like slow trauma.
Still...I really love being alive.


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13 Aug 2018, 8:12 pm


I hope you'll enjoy your stay!

jimmy m

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13 Aug 2018, 8:42 pm

Welcome to Wrong Planet and enjoy your stay.

Author of Practical Preparations for a Coronavirus Pandemic.
A very unique plan. As Dr. Paul Thompson wrote, "This is the very best paper on the virus I have ever seen."


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14 Aug 2018, 7:35 am

Greetings to WrongPlanet

I'm an extremely vulnerable person. Vulnerability and emotion are very closely linked.


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14 Aug 2018, 2:10 pm

Welcome Derdriu!

Enjoy the forum.

Please be good to nature and all animals. Please be kind, respectful and patient with everyone. Equality and equity.


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14 Aug 2018, 2:38 pm

Welcome to Wrong Planet! :D

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!