Just got diagnosed a few months ago, and it hit me like a ton of bricks... finally I can put words on and understand what was "wrong" with me. I'm in my mid 40's, and feel like it's a new "me". Currently, only my wife knows about it. I have a younger son that does not know about my situation, and is probably too young to understand and figure out what it means. The rest of my family just think I'm really weird, shy and have no interest in their socializing!
I'm holding a steady job as an IT contractor, for the last 20 years in my own company (running it with my wife). This way I can set my own rules as choice of clients and flexible work hours.
I'm a high functioning autist with good executive functions (and good at faking the ones I don't have). Under DSM4, I would have fitted between Asperger and High Level Autims. Under DSM5 i'm smack on the spectrum. I have serious issues with sounds and lights, some food textures, and anything pointy near my skin (can't wear a pin or have a tailor use needles to adjust pants).
Specific interests are with cryptography, electronics, HAM radio, video games and my Jeep.