Welcome Laura!
I recently turned disabled, which I will soon undertake an operation for.
Really hope you will enjoy the forum and will make some good friends.
eepstein wrote:
Found this site maybe alittle over a week ago..? But my feelings were the same at first. I loved hearing about other people with ASD, how they think, and different experiences they have had that i can relate to my own, but also would like a chance to talk to people more personally.
My name is Elihana, I am 19. I love to write and draw but dont really feel that good at either. At the moment in my life, you can say I am going through an awkward rough patch and would love to make friends in this lonely state. Im not good at just talking about myself in a general sense, so I guess anyone can feel free to send me a message to get to know me more than this??

Elihana! What a pretty name!
Sorry you are going through a rough patch in life and are feeling lonely. Hope it will go better for you soon.
Enjoy the forum and I hope you will make some good friends!
Please be good to nature and all animals. Please be kind, respectful and patient with everyone. Equality and equity.