Hi! I have made a few posts but figured that I should actually introduce myself. I have a suspected ASD diagnosis, first picked up by a psychiatrist about a year ago before I moved to where I live now. I am now seeking a diagnosis. I am currently diagnosed with severe generalized and social anxiety, OCD, an eating disorder (currently recovering,) and Bipolar disorder (My family questions the Bipolar disorder. I think that it's a misdiagnosis that mental health professionals made because they weren't sure where to "put" me if that makes sense.)
I've loved medical stuff for my entire life. I'm a social science major, and love psychology, sociology, and communications classes (ironic, as I take classes online and do not talk to anyone IN my communications classes. No communication there. I've learned the hard way that in person schooling is very difficult for me.) I also really love writing. I'm really grateful to have found this forum and for how welcoming everyone is!