I've been recently diagnosed as being on the spectrum (would have been Asperger's if I were diagnosed earlier) at the age of 19, but I've been identified as have social issues and gotten social skills support since I was little. I'm pursuing my special interest in abnormal psychology (much of which is informed by my own and my family's mental disorders) currently by trying to get my AA in psychology at my local community college. After that I'm not sure what I'll do, because if I were to get further degrees in psychology I'm worried I'll have a job in psychology that requires good social skills. I'm thinking of going into research psychology or animal behavior (I love animals too and used to have a special interest in animal rights/zoology). Anyway looking to meet others on the spectrum who maybe share some of my experiences and help me out navigating the social world (especially pertinent now as I'm learning how to function as an adult)!
Never give up, never surrender. - Galaxy Quest
AQ Score: 46 out of 50
EQ Score: 5 out of 80
RDOS Score: Your neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 145 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 51 of 200
You are very likely neurodiverse (Aspie)