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09 Apr 2019, 11:40 pm

Hi, my name's Eric. I was diagnosed around the age of 9 or 10 (I don't remember), then un-diagnosed at 17, then was suspected of having ASD by my wife's therapist and then by my wife herself, only to go back and forth with my own therapists between "no you aren't," "yes you are," and "well, does it really matter at this point?" And yes, I've had to switch therapists several times over the course of four years - most often because of work (but for other reasons too), and it finally took me getting put on probation at my current job (after getting fired from the previous one) and then being put on mandatory medical leave because said probation exacerbated my already existing mental health problems for my brand new therapist (a switch that was an exception to the move-related switching) to refer me for evaluation, and when I was evaluated, the evaluator was squarely in the "yes you are" camp and this time gave me the documentation to certify it. Of course, this came right at the same time that I was recommended by this same therapist to start a DBT program, which I'm a few weeks into, so I'm still a little skeptical of how much my current course of treatment is actually addressing my ASD symptoms and how much it's just getting me to behave so that everyone around me both in my family and at my job doesn't get so fed up with me they just want to get rid of me. Anyway, I'm looking for a supportive environment other than just depending on my therapist (especially since some of my problems recently have been that, for various reasons, my only support system has been a therapist - which has had varying results), and since I seem to have more success socializing online than in person (a fact that I acknowledge readily but which disturbs my wife), I'm reaching out here.

Anyway, I don't know how much more to write here. I'm sure it'll all come out in other posts I make here.

So, um, hello!


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10 Apr 2019, 3:43 am

Welcome to WP!

Who’s better at math than a robot? They’re made of math!

jimmy m

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10 Apr 2019, 8:07 am

Welcome to Wrong Planet!

Many Aspies are under a high degree of stress. This can lead to distress over time. If you can learn to vent the stress in an appropriate manner; your behavior will become more normalized. Not perfect but better.

One of the books I read, I would highly recommend. It is titled "In an Unspoken Voice" by Peter A. Levine.

Author of Practical Preparations for a Coronavirus Pandemic.
A very unique plan. As Dr. Paul Thompson wrote, "This is the very best paper on the virus I have ever seen."


Joined: 16 Feb 2019
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10 Apr 2019, 1:43 pm

jimmy m wrote:
One of the books I read, I would highly recommend. It is titled "In an Unspoken Voice" by Peter A. Levine.

Thanks for the reference! I just looked it up in our public library, and fortunately, they have it! (Sometimes they don't, being that we're a smaller city - in spite of being the third largest city in Minnesota. ;-) )


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10 Apr 2019, 2:28 pm

Welcome to Wrong Planet! :D

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!