Hi. I am here looking community and friends. I want to connect with neurodiverse people. I am not sure if I am on the spectrum or not, but I am sure my mom drank often while she was pregnant. I've learned there are a lot of parallels between fetal alcohol disorders and ASD. I have a lot in common with those with autism spectrum conditions, like sensory issues with clothes, food and loud noise. I often taking things literally and miss social cues. I have very intense interests that I pursue passionately such as cars, trains, nuclear energy, adhesives, fasteners, maps, etc. I often prefer to be alone, unless you are one of my special people and even then, my social energy runs out quickly.
I've moved around and traveled a whole lot, now I live in a shared house with other people. Sometimes it's nice and sometimes it's annoying. I usually work renovating houses or fixing things. I'm good at what I do, usually good enough that the people I'm working with look past awkwardness and social faux passes. Usually. I have a cat and I like to grow plants, mostly outside, but I have some house plants. I have a girlfriend who is... different. I don't have a label, but she has her own mental health struggles.
I want to talk, to people and maybe we can use our strengths to shore up each other's weaknesses. I've been fairly successful in the working world compared to many neurodiverse people, I would enjoy answering questions, helping and coaching people who are trying to break into or move up in the world of employment.