Maker_Librarian95 wrote:
There's a lot of things that I really like about my job. The biggest one is probably that I'm getting paid to do what I usually do as a hobby. I get work and tinker with 3D printers and CNC mills and plasma tables all day. I've become the resident "make this thing guy" So faculty members will come to my office and say " Hey i've always wanted a screen accurate lightsaber" or Hey, I have this cool idea but I don't know how to go about making it." And I get to make these objects for them. So it fulfills both my desire to make cool things as well as my innate desire to be helpful. I also get to geek out and go into great detail about machines and making things with them.... I call it being an obsessive manufacturing nerd but my boss for some reason calls it teaching lol
I also really like the peace of the library. It's pretty slow place and usually very quiet. So I usually wear a big pair of noise-canceling headphones even if I'm not listening to music. To block out the noise so I can think in peace. At work, I don't really need to do that. My boss and co-workers are perfectly fine with me wearing them (which is awesome in its own right) I just don't usually need to while im there.
The last reason ill give and then i'll stop boring you is alot of aspects of my disability are viewed as positives. My ability to quickly learn and recall encylopedic amounts of knowlege on a variity of subjects has made me the go to resherch librarian. Even traits that don't directly help my job are viewed by my co-workers as endearing. One example is a co-worker jokeingly calls me her "Litteral Librarian" because of how i take things literally. The other day she came into my office while I was mixing my lunch that was in a few separate tableware containers. She said "Are you cooking?" without thinking I responded, "No I cooked at my house this is form there would you like some?"
Sorry for the long answer to the short question. Thats the 3 biggest reasons I enjoy my job.
Don’t apologize, I loved reading your post! I’m quite jealous of your job, it sounds great. I hope you post more about it.
The phone ping from a pillow fort in a corn maze
I don't have a horse in your war games
I don't even really like horses
I like wild orchids and neighbors with wide orbits