Hi my name is Keith but my nickname is KJ since I'm a junior. I'm 22 years old and recently graduated with an Accounting degree. I lost my words shortly after I turned one and was diagnosed with ASD at age 2. My parents got help for me right away and that lead me to be able to speak again around age 5. I enjoy watching sports and sitcoms in my free time. I enjoy going to the beach and getting out in nature. I also enjoy hanging out with my friends and family. When I was kid, I had the typical obsession for with maps and geography. In middle school I had a tough time since I really struggled to make friends and read social cues. My mom ended up signing up for a program designed to help Autistic people with social skills and making friends. That program really turned my life around and I started being able to navigate friendships and social situations easier. I'm really new to this forum and look forward to getting to know the people here.