Thank you all for the warm welcome
While it may take some time to gain enough familiarity to start posting much about myself, it has been very therapeutic being able to read the thoughts and experiences of so many others going through the same adventure.
Up until now, I've mostly identified just with the collective of people with disabilities in general while dealing with common challenges such as housing, employment, and relationship issues, but haven't had much opportunity to talk with others about autism-specific issues or the accompanying strengths that are more of an asset rather than a disability.
I am very lucky and grateful for having a supportive family. We had some strained relationships early on that took some time to heal because they didn't understand why I was different and I didn't understand what normal was to have any basis to explain why my rationale differed from theirs, but once they learned there was a real thing I was dealing with and could see how things made since in the context of what I was experiencing, things turned around immediately because it wasn't really me they were upset with, just frustration in not understanding how my world differed from theirs.
I was also pretty lucky in having discovered computer programming and video games as early as grade school - which was a pretty remarkable twist of fate being that I grew up on a small farm years before internet would become a thing, in an area which still remains pretty technophobic to this day - which served as comforter, comptency-builder, and alternative education source, and has since grown into my primary occupation of developing gaming, education, and special needs technology and business systems, which I've actually been accomplishing a lot with, just not yet in ways that impress landlords vs having a "real job."