Nomaken, GalileoAce, Dissenter, BlackLiger, pizzaboss, Freyawolf, PhoenixKitten, Archmage, and Namiko - thank you so much for replying, and making me feel at home. This truly is the right place for me.
I'm a 33 yr old male, married with 3 wonderful children (all boys - 10, 7, and 5). I've always thought myself a bit different, couldn't understand or enjoy the banalities that my peers would so easily revel in. Grew up in South Wales and moved to London to go to Uni. During my degree I met my amazing wife, and after finishing my degree we moved in together, got engaged and then married. She is a typical extrovert and the most NT person I know

We had our first two children in the UK, and emigrated to Australia 6 years ago. I immediately swichted careers to IT and am now a network admin in the Sydney area. We had our third child out here.
The last 8 months or so have been really difficult - my undiagnosed AS has led to my wife feeling unappreciated and alone. She genuinely thought I was being withdrawn and uncommunicative because I wanted to be, and I can understand that.
About 6 months ago I first read about AS and thought how much it sounded like me. Since then I've done alot of reading on the subject and am sure I'm an aspie. I'm going to the doctors in 2 days to get referred and find out for sure.
My wife and I are in a much better place since we've both realied I wasn't being distant because I 'wanted' to be, but because that's the best I can do - and it's a struggle to do even that.
So thanks again - I'm looking forward to getting more involved here and to getting to know you all.
Hey, don't thank me, it was just my job. It is an honor as the site's welcome wagon driver to welcome you with the welcome wagon. And Freyawolf, I wasn't really yelling at you, i just have a wicked sense of humor. And Twonky, i hope you like our Matrix Code cookies. I hacked them off the Betty Crocker site. (And i'm not talking about the recipies