starfishkat wrote:
At the end he told me that he wanted to make sure that I wasn't bullshitting him to get a diagnosis (why the hell would anyone do that??)
I've heard of similar stories about that also, but don't recall the details. Both of the other adult women in my ASD group were asked by their assessor what they would do if they
didn't get the diagnosis. I don't recall being asked that --- probably b/c I told him I was so excited to talk and then was unable to. I have a very, very hard time regulating my emotions: the energetic "warm" ASD type, but the other two women --- one in particular are the calm, "cool" ASD type. I can imagine them thinking: "why would you ask me that?". They were also taken aback b/c they brought it up at group.
starfishkat wrote:
I don't know how to be close to people and it makes me sad
Do others feel this way?
For me it's more a fear. I have an impulse to call a friend, but I know it would be "out of the blue" or awkward on the phone, so I don't. Or I have an impulse to visit my sister, but I know she'll be disgusted by me as she always has been, so I don't. Here's the rub --- now that I know about myself, I can do those things and find the people who will accept my style (unmasked), and assert myself (kindly) with the others. Musing for myself: In my old age I have accumulated some friends (including an ASD-like BFF) and at least one assures me that I am not so awful.
I often get called "cute", but do people want "cute" (volatile) friends? Perhaps not many, but some.