Sapho wrote:
I think i'm on the spectrum, as i've always felt different to other people all my life.
I met with a dr about this,but he said i don't, as i made eye contact with him, i forced myself to do this, and always feel uncomfortable.
I stay away from people now, as i always seem to say whats on my mind, i don't seem to have a filter system.
The thought of being in a room with a lot of people frightens the daylights out of me!
I change conversion about something completely different to everyone else....they always look confused at me!
I can't seem to make "normal" friends, so i stay away from people.
I'm Gay, and can't find any gay autistic sites.
I feel very alone
Alone isn't necessarily bad so long as you aren't *lonely*
Thats why I'm here. People either terrify or upset me greatly. They make and break all these abstract asinine rules while completely disregarding obvious logic in favor of niceties
that aren't even nice. I find "normal" people to be the most cruel, intolerant, impatient, heartless people I've ever had the displeasure of meeting and I could only see it
once I was alone. The normal people convinced me *I* was the cruel one. I believe it still.
I force eye contact as well, though my doctor ( before I convinced her to look deeper) said I couldn't be because I communicate too well. I rehearse every possible conversation as far in advance as possible.
Chill, you're among friends now. You good baby
its all love. Welcome!
"I'm laughing because its not funny
-Me almost daily