NeantHumain's Belated Introduction
I cannot recall having formally introduced myself in the Getting to know each other forum of, and there's no better time than the present! An earlier post, My Psychological and Developmental History, details my psychiatric diagnoses and diagnosis of Asperger's syndrome. Néant Humain is French for Nothing Human.
I was born in and have lived in St. Louis, Missouri, for all my life so far; and I am now twenty years old. I will begin my third year of university study in the fall, trying to obtain a dual degree of bachelor of science in computer science and bachelor of arts in French.I am currently unemployed and have tried to start a freelance Web design and development business over the summer, but I had no success in finding clients. I may have a Web development job with an established company lined up by the end of the month (July 2005), though.
My interests are many but almost invariably intellectual or artistic. I spend a good portion of the day informally researching my current "stereotyped and restricted patterns of interest," which are currently related to personality psychology and abnormal psychology, mainly Asperger's syndrome and autism, psychopathy, the other Cluster B personality disorders, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and normal temperament and personality traits. Another major enjoyment of mine is my absurdist, somewhat sardonic sense of humor; it sometimes gets to the point where other people become annoyed, unfortunately. I sometimes read The Onion and have written short satires somewhat along those lines. I also write poetry, draw, have tried painting in oil a little, take photographs, and read. My other interests are or have been linguistics (specifically, phonology, phonetics, comparative linguistics, and dialectology); geography, maps, flags, and heraldry; politics; social and moral philosophy; history; law; insects and arachnids; and more.
For a person with Asperger's syndrome, I am pretty physically active. I've never been the best at competitive sports, but I like playing soccer, baseball, and tennis when I get the opportunity. I also like recreational swimming and bicycle riding.
I spend more time alone than I would like and desire to make more friends and eventually have a girlfriend. The lack of these things has often been cause of depression for me. I am not sure if programming is a wise career path for me--I would enjoy freelancing more as long as I were successful at it--but it will do for now. I would like to move out of my mother and stepfather's house after I graduate from college and probably move into an apartment.
Hi! I have enjoyed your past posts and appreciate the opportunity to hear more about you.
I do some satire, enjoy "The Onion", write poetry, shoot photos, etc. I find the common interests shared by aspies to be quite interesting.
Best wishes with your studies and pursuit of relationships.
You just essentially asked him to explain to you translated into English, "Do you want to sleep with me?" It's a sexual reference... not just asking a person to sleep in the same bed and actually sleep.

Joined: 21 Apr 2005
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Joined: Jun 25, 2004
Posts: 355
Location: St. Louis, Missouri
Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 11:34 am
Post subject: NeantHumain's Belated Introduction
the Getting to know each other forum of,
earlier post, My Psychological and Developmental
History, details my psychiatric diagnoses and
diagnosis of Asperger's syndrome.
Thanks for explaining that word. I knew there
had to be a rhyme and reason for it!
for all my life so far;
Surely, you would have explored other places before?
year of university study in the fall, trying to obtain a
dual degree of bachelor of science in computer science
and bachelor of arts in French.
Hmmm? What is it about french that fascinates you?
freelance Web design and development business over
the summer, but I had no success in finding clients.
Hmmmm? Why? Is it due to the region, or something
else, or perhaps personal relations flaws?
company lined up by the end of the month (July 2005), though.
Very Good!!
or artistic.
Hmmmm? What qualifies as intellectual interests, besides
Hmmmm? What qualifies as artistic?
my current "stereotyped and restricted patterns of interest,"
personality psychology
abnormal psychology,
mainly Asperger's syndrome and autism,
the other Cluster B personality disorders,
schizophrenia, bipolar disorder,
and normal temperament and personality traits.
Hmmmm? What are your views of this site? You have
refined interests!
somewhat sardonic sense of humor; it sometimes gets
to the point where other people become annoyed,
Hmmmmm? explain absurdist sense of humor?
satires somewhat along those lines.
I also write poetry,
have tried painting in oil a little,
take photographs,
and read.
What do you like to draw?
What do you like to paint?
What do you like to photograph?
(specifically, phonology, phonetics, comparative
linguistics, and dialectology);
and heraldry;
social and moral philosophy;
insects and arachnids;
and more.
That is a broad range of interests....Cool!
physically active. I've never been the best at competitive
sports, but I like playing soccer, baseball, and tennis
when I get the opportunity. I also like recreational swimming
and bicycle riding.
Very athletic!
I spend more time alone than I would like and desire to
make more friends and eventually have a girlfriend.
Any possibilities?
for me. I am not sure if programming is a wise career path
for me--
I would enjoy freelancing more as long as I
were successful at it--
but it will do for now.
house after I graduate from college and probably move
into an apartment.Back to top
Describe your relationship with your step-father?
Describe your relationship with you mother?
What would inhabit you dwelling of you own?
(stuff, things and such?)